Encountering Emilio Gil and Spanish Book Design in Madrid

Nigel Beale, Literary Tourist in Madrid

In addition to tapas, churros and tinto de verano - a wonderfully refreshing drink of wine mixed with



Sprite that goes down particularly well after a rough day trolling Spanish bookshops - I also found Emilio Gil in Madrid, an award-winning graphic designer, author of Pioneers of Spanish GraphicDesign and founder of Tau Design.

I wanted to know more about Spanish book design so that I could slake my thirst for buying something - anything - at Madrid's used bookstores. Emilio was the man. Turns out he studied under Milton Glaser.

We sat down together in his offices, with my Spanish-speaking wife, and had this conversation

Emilio Gil

Emilio Gil

During our discussion Emilio mentioned the prolific Manolo Prieto (1912 - 1991), who I'd encountered the day before at Javiar's bookstall (#28)

Manolo Prieto

Manolo Prieto

plus Ricard Giralt Miracle, and Daniel Gil (no relation).  I subsequently went out and bought a bunch of Gil covers:

Gill cover

Gill cover

Gil cover

Gil cover

Gil Cover

Gil Cover

Gil cover

Gil cover

Next time you're in a Spanish bookshop

Madrid Bookshop

Madrid Bookshop

you might want to do the same. 

Madrid cat, in Madrid Bookshop

Madrid cat, in Madrid Bookshop


Buenos Aires Biblio File Backstory


Books and Booksellers in Madrid